Products for healthcare institutions
Lets you compress, secure, store, and view x-ray images using cutting-edge display and viewing tools (zoom, magnifier, annotations, distance measurement, measurement tracking, etc.). The user can view coronarographic, PET, and nuclear medicine images at the same time, as well as more classic imaging (MRI, CT scan, ultrasound, etc.). The use of labels associated with the exams lets you create groups of exams and access them via one click. A personalised search system allows you to access the desired patient file or exam very quickly. The display is optimised to allow multi-screen display, as well as the integration of the RIS and PACS software installed on the same diagnostic stations.

The aim of the MACS (Multimedia Archiving and Communication System) is to support the trend to digitise clinical activities and departments. The multimedia solution extends to all other clinical departments (ophthalmology, dermatology, cardiology, operating theatre, accident & emergency, pathological anatomy, etc.). Telemis handles all image formats, whether DICOM or non-DICOM. Clinicians have access to the images and videos in patient files, which they can view for diagnostic purposes. Analysis and display tools (zoom, magnifier, annotations, distance measurement, etc.) are available so as to improve diagnosis. The use of labels lets you create groups of exams and access them via one click. A personalised search system lets you find the desired patient file or exam very quickly.

The TM-Mammo solution was developed specifically to satisfy the storage, distribution and diagnostic needs of all digital mammographic imaging produced in senology departments. The TM-Mammo viewer allows easy comparison with the patient's multi-image history (all modalities) and viewing of user-specific display sequences. Tomosynthesis is an integral part of display reports.

Thanks to the TM-Capture option, you can take pictures with an ordinary smartphone and send them to the MACS. These images can cover a wide variety of subjects: wounds, bedsores, surgery, operating theatre, accident & emergency, dermatology, macroscopy, etc. In particular, the very ergonomic TM-Capture lets you request a remote diagnosis in the context of home hospitalisation. It allows doctors to prepare to treat the patient based on photographs taken in the ambulance. This solution can also be useful in the context of a surgeon's or emergency practitioner's legal liability, by providing digital visual evidence.

This solution is used to optimise distribution and access to anatomo-pathology images by retrieving, storing, and supplying images via the TM-Microscopy viewer. It provides high-quality diagnostics thanks to improved relevance of the diagnosis of samples and better exchange between pathologists. Read more?

TM-Publisher Web
The information should be available everywhere, immediately, wherever you may be. The same applies to imaging results. The patient's examination is complete and the contact must obtain the results quickly, whether at the hospital or outside the hospital. That's the principle behind the TM-Publisher Web: to provide access to images from any computer connected to the Internet whilst protecting patient confidentiality.

The TM-Community is a cloud-based solution allowing hospital sites to exchange medical files with each other. These exchanges include all types of documents (PDF, DICOM, JPEG, etc.) and are secured and traced. This solution makes it possible, among other things, to request second diagnostic opinions, to send a file to a centre of expertise or to send images on a daily basis to a referring centre.

Our Hyper.TELEMED solution is a point to point secure telemedicine system that enables the secure transmission of patient data in compliance with the Röntgeneinrichtung law.
The user can transfer data and images in DICOM and HL7 format via any network (DSL, VPN, LAN, email, https, etc.) using standard interfaces. It can also communicate photos or non-DICOM data such as PDF, TIF, GIF, MPE via DICOM coverage.

HyperPACS is an universal PACS for all medical images, both DICOM and non-DICOM. It is based on three main pillars: speed, stability and security. Hyper.PACS provides fast data access, stability and 100% data security.
The interface has been developed in collaboration with users to be intuitive for diagnosis, visualisation and telemedicine. Workflow is optimised with hanging protocols, history display and session parking.
Additional modules such as orthopaedic planning, telemedicine image exchange are available.