Accessible imaging: an essential pillar for the construction of a GHT (Regional Hospital Group).

Accessible imaging: an essential pillar for 

the construction of a GHT (Regional Hospital Group).

In the healthcare sector, technology plays a crucial role in supporting the work of doctors and improving the services provided to patients. A strategic collaboration between Hôpitaux Civils de Colmar and Telemis, an innovative medical imaging company, has recently attracted attention, not only for its innovative scope, but also for the tangible improvements it has brought about across the whole of GHT 11 Centre Alsace.

We had the opportunity to chat about this collaboration with Mr Moeglin (Information Systems Director at Hôpitaux Civils de Colmar), Mr Greiner (IT Project Manager at Hôpitaux Civils de Colmar), Mr Carabin, (Information Systems Director at Sélestat-Obernai Hospital Group), Dr Manoila (Radiologist at Hôpitaux Civils de Colmar) and Mr Guillot (CEO of Telemis France).


Promoting collaboration between establishments 

A shared PACS for the region coordinates the secure sharing of medical data between healthcare providers, creating an unprecedented collaboration. Imaging exams are becoming accessible to all the healthcare professionals concerned and duplicate medical exams are becoming a thing of the past, bringing about improved care quality and better management of medical resources.

That's the theory, at least; but what is the opinion of GHT participants from Hôpitaux Civils de Colmar, the Sélestat Obernai Hospital Group (GHSO), and the Guebwiller Hospital?

First, we hear from Mr Moeglin: "The implementation of these technologies means that departments and hospitals are in immediate contact with each other, which improves patient flow. For example, 
if there are no available slots at Colmar, an appointment at the Guebwiller Hospital can be made directly. In that case, this procedure relieves Colmar and optimises the use of resources at Guebwiller.”

This instant interconnection has not only improved the distribution of resources; it has also boosted the efficiency of medical practices. Immediate access, improved treatment times...a real leap forwards.

According to Mr Greiner, the introduction of an information search capability extended across the GHT was a crucial turning point. He points out: “This has become essential for us, especially in the construction of our GHT. Installation was quick, and Telemis was very responsive.” The imaging management and sharing solutions were praised for their user-friendliness and their contribution to optimising processes, transforming a GHT that used to be too compartmentalised into an open, collaborative environment.

He also highlights the positive impact of the successful integration of the PACS system, which led to other medical departments becoming interested in adopting the MACS (Multimedia Archiving and Communication System). Those departments now view this opportunity as a lever to optimise their own activities. : "In terms of concrete benefits, different departments, such as Neurosurgery, Nephrology, Neurology, and Urology have already told us they are asking for a MACS to be set up."


Optimising medical practices 
The ISD of Hôpitaux Civils de Colmar points out the advantages for a hospital environment: "It's a valuable resource for healthcare professionals, because it saves time and increases reliability."

On behalf of the Sélestat-Obernai Hospital Group, Mr Carabin offers this opinion: “The interconnection between the PACS of the Sélestat-Obernai Hospital Group and the Hôpitaux Civils de Colmar is above all a definite time-saver when looking up imaging exams performed on another site or at another facility.”

Dr Manoila adds, "The PACS provides a territorial network, to ensure fast, highly specialised care for our patients. A smooth, reliable connection from the south to the centre of Alsace."


Patient-centered care
Colmar's ISD also tells of tangible improvements for patients: “The time-saving aspect for patients is remarkable. Everything is faster, making the processes easier.” The geographical barriers between establishments have also been eliminated. “Now, from a patient's perspective, it doesn't matter whether they are in Colmar, Guebwiller, or Sélestat; their experience will be the same.”

He adds an interesting point about how procedures have been simplified for patients: "We are especially interested in the link we have created with Guebwiller. Patients can now make an appointment directly with Guebwiller and the tests will be performed in Colmar, which simplifies the redirection process and the quality of patient monitoring.”

The Information Systems Director of the Sélestat-Obernai Hospital Group adds: “In some cases, simply by being aware of previous exams and their results, we can avoid prescribing and carrying out new exams, so we can prevent unnecessary exposure to x-rays for CT scans.”


Stenghtening connections with community doctors 
Collaboration between hospitals and community doctors is also essential for comprehensive patient care. With the external distribution system set up by Telemis, results are now accessible to general practitioners and external prescribers in real time. A fast, efficient workflow that eliminates the need to transfer data and medical images via obsolete media such as CDs.

This collaboration between the GHT and community practice allows a free-flowing and efficient exchange, as Mr Moeglin confirms: “I would add that sharing is crucial, even though it is currently only partial. Even though sharing between the hospital and external practitioners is still in progress, there was positive feedback from the community doctors at the meeting that was organised to present the solution to them. ”


Working towards strongeer cohesion : Building the future of the GHT together 
According to the ISD of Hôpitaux Civils de Colmar, this partnership with TELEMIS is a central pillar: “This collaboration is essential to the setting up of our GHT. It is an important brick that has been added during this vital phase of construction.” He also highlights how easy it was to deploy the solution, thanks to the contributions from all the establishments involved.

Giving the Telemis point of view, Mr Jean-Baptiste Guillot says: “The purpose of a regional health network is to simplify access to care by reducing distances and administrative procedures for patients. Thanks to efficient coordination between the healthcare facilities in a GHT, this approach promotes the strategic sharing of information and smooth communication for optimum treatment. Coordination between all the sites is a major challenge. In deciding to tackle this challenge, the Hôpitaux Civils de Colmar, Sélestat-Obernai, and Guebwiller Hospital sites agreed to be open to data-sharing, communication, and collaboration. That’s where Telemis comes in, supporting them in this initiative via our solution. A cooperative future: our common objective as we work towards the regional development of medical activities.”


In conclusion, this interconnection between medical establishments, supported by innovative solutions, provides tangible benefits to patients and to practitioners operating in, between, or outside the establishments, as well as the whole hospital environment. This is proof of a significant step towards increased collaboration and the improvement of medical practices. In addition, the partnership between the GHT and community doctors forms the foundation for the provision of connected healthcare that is accessible to all.